MachPyomo module

author: young


Constraint which acts to bound the variable that is the hours of harvesting for each crop on each LMU in each machinery period.

The number of hours of harvest is limited by the max harvest hours in each harvest period and the number of harvest gear (ie two harvesters allows you to harvest twice as much). The constraint includes a factor to account for days that are too wet to harvest.


Constraint which acts to bound the variable that is the number of days seeding for each crop on each LMU in each machinery period.

The number of days of seeding is limited by the length of each machinery period and the number of crop gear (ie two seeders allows you to seed twice as much). The constraint includes a factor to account for days that are too wet or dry to seed.

AfoLogic.MachPyomo.f_ha_days_pasture_crop_paddocks(model, q, s, f, l, z)

Calculate the total hectare grazing days that can be grazed on crop paddocks before seeding based on the seeding activities selected.

Used in global constraint (con_poc_available). See CorePyomo

Note: poc is only on crop paddocks but the seeding activity includes pastures, to stop pasture paddocks providing poc only loop through the crop set

AfoLogic.MachPyomo.f_harv_supply(model, q, s, p7, k, z)

Calculate the total hectares of each crop that can be harvested based on the allocation of harvesting time.

Used in global constraint (con_harv). See CorePyomo

AfoLogic.MachPyomo.f_late_seed_penalty(model, q, s, p7, k, l, z)

Calculate the yield penalty (kg) based on the timeliness of the selected contract and farmer seeding activities.

Used in global constraint (con_grain_transfer). See CorePyomo

AfoLogic.MachPyomo.f_mach_asset(model, p7)

Calculate the total asset value of farm machinery.

Used in global constraint (con_asset). See CorePyomo

AfoLogic.MachPyomo.f_mach_cost(model, q, s, p7, z)

Calculate the cost of machinery for insurance, seeding, harvesting and making hay based on the level of machinery activities selected.

Used in global constraint (con_profit). See CorePyomo

AfoLogic.MachPyomo.f_mach_wc(model, q, s, c0, p7, z)

Calculate the wc of machinery for insurance, seeding, harvesting and making hay based on the level of machinery activities selected.

Used in global constraint (con_workingcap). See CorePyomo

AfoLogic.MachPyomo.f_total_dep(model, q, s, p7, z)

Calculate the total depreciation of farm machinery.

Used in global constraint (con_dep). See CorePyomo

AfoLogic.MachPyomo.mach_precalcs(params, r_vals)