PropertyInputs module

Inputs specific to a property (or region) including:

  • Crop production

  • Pasture production

  • Labour

  • Supplementary feeding

  • Stubble

  • Farm level finance ie capital level

  • Farm level machinery ie soil adjustment factors for seeding efficiency

author: young


Applies sensitivity adjustment to each input. After the sensitivities are applied, when using the DSP model, inputs with a feed period index are expanded to account for additional feed periods that are added due to season nodes. This function gets called at the beginning of each loop in the module

SA order is: sav, sam, sap, saa, sat, sar. So that multiple SA can be applied to one input.



AfoLogic.PropertyInputs.f_reshape_pinp_defaults(pinp_defaults, sinp_defaults)
AfoLogic.PropertyInputs.f_select_n_reset_pinp(property, pinp_defaults)