

AFO is a Python based optimisation program. To run it requires access to Python and the necessary Python packages, as well as a linear programming solver. There are a number of options available that satisfies these requirements however only the most commonly used method is documented below.

  1. Install Anaconda version 2023.3-1:

  2. Install Pyomo version 6.5.0: Pyomo is a Python package that is not installed with Anaconda by default.

    • Open Anaconda prompt which is located in start menu under the Anaconda folder.

    • Enter: pip install --force-reinstall -v "pyomo==6.5.0"


    To install pyomo to a specific env: conda install –name AFO -c conda-forge pyomo (pyomo = package, AFO = env)

  3. Install numpy_financial:

    • Open Anaconda prompt which is located in start menu under the Anaconda folder.

    • Enter: pip install numpy_financial

  4. Install solver: AFO requires a linear programming solver to optimise the problem. For this GLPK is used becasue it is open source.

    • Open Anaconda prompt which is located in start menu under the Anaconda folder.

    • conda install -c conda-forge glpk

AFO access

AFO is managed through Github which gives everyone the ability to use and develop the model. The following process can be used to get the source code.

  1. Create a GitHub account.

  2. Install git.

  3. Clone AFO repository (this essentially downloads all the AFO source code onto your local device).

    • In the git terminal: git clone