LabourPhase module

author: young

Phase labour represents the labour associated with each rotation phase. This includes both the crop and pasture phases. Phase labour includes the labour required for seeding, harvest, spraying, fertilising and monitoring. The time each operation takes is dependent on the rotation phase, LMU and machinery complement. The rate at which seeding, harvest, spraying and fertilising can be done is calculated and documented in the machinery section. In this section the machine time for each operation is converted to a labour required by including a helper factor and allocating it to the labour periods. For example, the machinery time taken for harvest is equal to the time the harvester is running but from a labour perspective there is a header driver, chaser bin driver and often some helper labour for busy times such as moving paddocks.


Calculate labour required for spraying for each rotation and allocate it into the labour periods.

The labour required for spraying is calculated from the time to spray 1ha (calculated in and the number of chemical applications for each rotation phase (calculated in


Allocation of chemical applications into each labour period


Labour required for monitoring crop paddocks.

For crop paddocks, monitoring time is broken into two sections. Firstly, a fixed (irrelevant of crop area) labour requirement which is a user defined input stating the hours per week in each labour period. Secondly, a variable labour requirement which is incurred for each hectare of crop. This is also an input, but it can vary by crop type as well as period. The logic behind splitting the monitoring into two components is that typically farmers will spend longer examining a small number of paddocks, irrelevant of the total crop area and then examine the remaining paddocks much faster.


Fertilising labour part 1: time required per hectare.

The labour required for fertilising is calculated in two parts. Part 1 is the time required per hectare for each rotation phase which represents the time taken spreading fertiliser in the paddock (calculated in This is adjusted for the number of fertiliser applications and allocated into a labour period/s.


Fertilising labour part 2: time required per tonne.

The labour required for fertilising is calculated in two parts. Part 2 is the time required per tonne which represents the time taken driving to and from the paddock and filling up (calculated in This is adjusted for the number of fertiliser applications and allocated into a labour period/s.


Allocation of fertiliser applications into each labour period


Allocation of labour in each p5 to each p7 period.


Labour required for preparation and packing for each cropping operation.

Not linked to v_phase therefore no p7 axis required.