Crop and pasture system

In this section a brief overview of the crop and pasture system represented in AFO will be provided, followed by a detailed description of the phase module. Cropping is often a large component of broadacre farming. Crops are primarily established with a goal of harvesting and selling the grain for human or animal consumption. However, crops can also be used as fodder for farm livestock. Pasture phases are also a large component of broadacre farming. Pastures are often included in the rotation to provide a break from cropping, which can rejuvenate soil conditions, provide disease and pest management and provide a cheap feed source for livestock.

Using a range of user inputs, the following modules calculate the costs and labour requirements of each phase (machinery requirements are documented in the machinery section). Additionally, for cropping phases the grain income is also calculated. income.


Information regarding pasture growth and consumption is generated and documented in the pasture module (In the Feed supply section).

